Strategic Foresight:
Why Collaborate with Wild Innovation?
Because we help leaders see what's coming so they are not blindsided. We also help them think differently about what's possible and make their vision a reality!
Clients include individual leaders, small and large companies, government agencies and non-profits that decided to Go Wild and create more purposeful futures for themselves and the audiences they serve.
Keynotes & Presentations
Always co-created with the client, Wild's keynotes and presentations focus on the future. Click on the images and link to example slide decks and videos.
Innovator Insights
with Dr. Connie
Q&A with Dr. Connie on the importance of mentors, curiosity as an essential element of success, developing as an innovator, taking risks and showing up in the world as your authentic self.
Prepare for
Your Future
Check out this interview to learn more about leading your own life first, which is important for all leaders- especially women. Why? Because COVID has changed the belief systems about life, family, work and aging.
How (and why) to Lead like a Futurist & Act Like an Entrepreneur
We shape the future in the present moment. Leaders who can innovate are needed in every industry and discipline. This presentation was part of a national mental health leadership institute focused on innovating system in both higher education and mental health.
The Future of Rural America
Rural America's strengths are becoming superpowers. COVID-19 is a monumental wildcard that has brought challenges beyond what most of us could have imagined; It has also changed how we work and where we choose to live. The future of humanity is intertwined with nature. Nature is the new competitive advantage and Inclusive Innovation creates ecosystems that inspire moonshot thinking. Check out the slides from this keynote to learn more.
How to Deal with Conflict Post-COVID
How do you lead change for yourself and others-when change just keeps happening? This virtual presentation was developed for a federal government agency struggling with workplace changes, challenges and conflict they were experiencing due to COVID. The three leadership and innovation tools we focused on were 1) A Futurist Mindset, 2) Self-Awareness and 3) Tactical Empathy. Click on the slide deck to learn more!
Leading Innovative Teams
How do you collaborate in times of challenge and change? This presentation was co-created with Dr. Ty Aller of the Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities National Training Center. The main objective of Dr. Connie's contribution was to help participants learn how to lead and co-create the future through open innovation. Click here or on the image to see the slide deck.
Sample Publications
Wild Innovation works with partners to study and write about the future. Topics range from aging and the longevity economy to healthcare and higher education. Strategic foresight and innovation are needed in every sector now more than ever. Check out the publications below and see what's possible when you Go Wild and partner with us!
The Bee
Who Was Too Busy - Does This Sound Like You?
If you have hit a brick wall, this fully illustrated book about challenge and change is for you! It was designed to help women - in the middle of it all - transform their lives from one of chaos and confusion to one of clarity and opportunity. The Bee who was too Busy is a short read for anyone struggling with aging, life transition, and all the crazy change that comes with it!
Strategic Foresight, Leadership, and the Future of Rural Healthcare Staffing in the United States
The Journal of the American Academy of Physician Assistants invited Dr. Connie to research and publish a paper focused on the future of healthcare staffing. The findings? Successful health ecosystems of the future will need to be customer-driven, more affordable, and tech-savvy.
Six Questions for Entrepreneurial Leadership and Innovation in Distance Education
This original futures article was published and presented at the Distance Learning Administration's national conference in 2009. Visoin, innovation, creativity, diversity, social responsibility, personal fulfillment and a global mindset? These are not buzz words - they are all essential to success!
Recent Clients
Where are You Going & Why?
Moonshot = The Big Dream
You know it but don't always voice it. It is the vision of what is possible that you cannot get out of your head - or your heart.
It is the voice that is calling to you more loudly now than ever. Why? Society is in the midst of a major reset, and it is time for all of us to lead our lives and our businesses differently so we can create the futures we truly desire.
If you are ready to go a little Wild and create a better present so you can achieve your Moonshot future, then we are your people!
Happy Clients = A Better Future!
The world is aging and changing at an increasingly rapid pace, and it is time for leaders to think like futurists while acting like entrepreneurs. Wild Innovation is committed to helping 100,000 leaders create a more purposeful future for both people and the planet.